Mendy is the most popular surname in world football

Mendy is currently the most talented surname in men's football! According to, there are 25 professional players playing in leagues around the world using the surname of Mendy. These players are multi-talented with some playing as defenders, other as middle fielders and strikers. Additionally, there is one goalkeeper, playing in France League 1.

The surname of Mendy has roots from Africa, mainly Ivory Coast and Senegal. In fact, Benjamin and Ferland were born in France but their parents are from Ivory Coast. Many of these players have at one stage featured for France or Senegal junior national teams and some have been lucky enough to graduate to senior teams. Moreover, The most famous retired player with the surname of Mendy is Senegal's legend footballer, Rodger Mendy. Rodger Mendy started playing in the 1960s and is now retired and coaching.

The most famous of them being the two brothers Benjamin Mendy and Ferland Mendy.

Please view list of players with the surname Mendy:

  1. Benjamin Mendy
  2. Ferland Mendy 
  3. Theo Mendy
  4. Edouard Mendy
  5. Nampalys Mendy 
  6. J. Mendy
  7. Alexandre Mendy
  8. Arial Mendy
  9. F. Mendy
  10. Batista Mendy
  11. Prosper Mendy
  12. Formose Mendy
  13. Remond Mendy
  14. Jean-Paul Mendy
  15. Jackson Mendy
  16. Laurent Mendy
  17. Raymond Mendy
  18. Gaston Mendy
  19. Alexandre Mendy
  20. Namaie Mendy
  21. Jules Mendy
  22. Arnaud Mendy
  23. Santana Mendy
  24. Elydjah Mendy
  25. Cabrel Mendy

Do you know any other professional players currently playing in top leagues around the world using the surname of Mendy? Please leave your comments below.


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